

DIY indoor orchid garden

Beautiful containers filled with multiple orchids can run into the hundreds of dollars but they look amazing. This arrangement was put together for a fraction of the cost of one created by a florist and took hardly any time to…

25 pretty great years

More than one friend has joked that the reason we've made it this far is because we spend quite a bit of time apart, and by apart I mean almost 10,000 miles apart for months at a time. Yes, we…

essential oil love

You can probably tell by the title of this post that I am not as big a lover of fragrant candles as I am of pure essential oils. Candles are very hit and miss for me and my husband can…

slow cooker chicken tacos

I love taco night, and now that I've discovered this slow cooker chicken taco recipe I really love it. I always thought preparing meals in a slow cooker needed to be heavy beef stew-type deals but this chicken dish is…

use what you have – restyle at home

What do you do when you get tired of seeing the same old decorative bits and pieces on your shelves, your coffee table, and your dining table? Do you shop online at www.onekingslane.com? Drive to your nearest Home Goods store?…

chocolate dipped coconut macaroons

I adore coconut macaroons. So when I was asked to bring cookies to a party recently, I tried this recipe which had them dipped in chocolate (my other favorite thing). Making the macaroons was pretty easy and doesn't take long;…