

lose weight and get fit for free

I haven't belonged to a gym in more than ten years. I wouldn't describe myself as a super fit, in fact I'm pretty lazy when it comes to working out, but my doctor is reasonably happy with my weight and…

skinny cottage pot pies

This is a super skinny, super healthy alternative to that old British favorite, usually covered in lashings of mashed potato, and one my husband and I actually prefer (liking the healthier version of comfort food doesn't happen often with us!).…

healthy banana & apricot cookies

Here's a quick, easy and healthy way to turn those too-ripe bananas into a healthy, guilt-free snack. The original recipe recommends adding dates but I've swapped them out for dried apricots (which are a big favorite in my house). You…

grilled lemon rosemary chicken

We're having a run of beautiful, hot days as summer winds down in Los Angeles. We're even enjoying some balmy nights by the beach (extremely rare here!), so I'm trying to cook outside more to avoid heating up the kitchen.…

lentil and feta dip

Want to bring something different to the party? This lentil and feta cheese dip is quick and easy and it tastes so good! The recipe was kindly passed on to me by a friend of a friend of a friend,…

grilled pork tenderloin with cherry salsa

This delicious summer-time recipe was a big hit at my house last night. The fresh cherries and cilantro are perfect with the tender pork straight from the grill.  This is an easy one to throw together in less than an hour…

fresh herb and garlic meatballs with quinoa

Somehow, this recipe makes meatballs seem like a summer meal, maybe it's the quinoa but it ends up being not-too-heavy, delicious, comfort food. I guess you could substitute with store-bought, frozen meatballs but then you'd miss out on the fresh…