

paper flowers diy

I love these paper flowers. I’ve made them in all different colors and while these are perfect for July 4th, they look even better when you use colors found in nature. White petals with yellow centers are my favorites. Lay 3 napkins opened out, directly on top of each other. A contrasting smaller napkin will be the center (you can cut one to size). Cut either a spiky or wavy border around the center napkin. Lay the center (smaller napkin)…

hallway heaven

To open up this long, skinny hallway I had all of the base boards and the molding around each doorway removed. Paneled doors were replaced with a mix of plain and frosted glass-paned ones. I swapped ornate brass handles for simple chrome levers, more recessed lighting was added, large scale (24" x 24") gray matte tiles replaced the squeaky old wood veneer floors, and some fun inexpensive canvases keep the color scheme from becoming too dreary. Hallway hell!  Do I…

brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous

I started trace with the intention of sharing the many things that inspire me daily. I love this quote: “Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve…