This guest bathroom was dark and narrow when we first moved in (see before photo below) so, without doing a full remodel, I replaced the vanity with a pedestal sink and removed the large mirror glued to the wall. The room instantly felt bigger.
I love the feeling of ‘furnishing’ a bathroom, which a framed mirror and artwork help to create. To keep the room in line with the rest of the house all base boards and molding were removed, the floors darkened and the door swapped out for a frosted glass, modern one.I was so happy when I found both this cool little bamboo table and a basket to fit under it, from a discount department store.
There are two antique French seashell prints hanging in this room. This is a great way to add beautiful art to your home without it costing a fortune.
This shower and window are definitely ready for an upgrade but in the meantime, an easy and affordable way to create a luxe look is to insert an expandable shower rod and add two shower curtains. Three pots filled with synthetic grasses from Ikea distract from the old aluminum window.
Small details can have a big impact: a wooden soap holder, a shell night-light and stunning sconces (I turned these upside down to get the feeling I was looking for).
The old bathroom!