kitchen fish

July 10, 2013

Fish LampFish Lamp

I was thinking about tucking a little flat screen TV somewhere in my kitchen so I could have something to watch while I cooked.  One guppy population explosion later and I am the proud owner of a tall, modern design aquarium that fits neatly in one corner under the overhead cabinets (right where I was going to put the TV).  Late at night, I turn off all of the other lights in the kitchen and the tank becomes a cool lamp.

The fish are happy little guys and because I’m in the kitchen a lot, I’ve been able to get to know them, and Licorice the speedy underwater snail.  They’re relaxing to watch and easy to clean out and refill, being right by the extendable faucet.

This aquarium available here. More modern aquariums here and here, and a really wild aquarium to look at here, on one of my favorite blogs, Beautiful Life.

Green Tip: Empty 1/3 of the tank each week into a bucket in the sink (use a hand pumped vacuum which cleans up the bottom too) and give your houseplants a perfect energy drink using the nutrient-rich fish15 gallon aquarium kit from Petsmart

kitchen fish 2Guppies, Zebra Danios, Neon Tetras

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